Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh be careful little ears what you hear....

Maybe you'll find this twisted tale kinda funny.  It's not, but it is.  The other day (pre-toe injury) I was up on a stepstool hanging a picture.  I asked Troy to come grab the hammer from me.  He is in an odd mood, grabs the hammer from me and pretends to be a tough guy and goes to fake-hit me with it.  (you might be thinking this is wierd, but remember that I married a football player/'s not unusual to get swim-moved, hip-checked, stiff armed, or chest-bumped while minding your own business around here).  Anyway.  Uh oh..Ryan saw this little move.  His eyes got HUGE and he jumps up:  "Daddy, you do NOT hit Mommy.  Daddy that is NOT KIND.  Daddy you have to be kind to mommy and not hit her with a hammer....." Daddy and I are both laughing and explaining to Ryan that we are just being silly, and that Daddy would never hurt Mommy, etc.  Ryan will NOT let it go.  He keeps telling the story: "Remember when Daddy hit Mommy with a hammer when she was up high just trying to make the house fixed all better?"  He's telling everyone.  So I have a little chat with him to tell him that we don't even need to keep talking about it because it was just a funny game we played, Mommy is not hurt, Daddy is funny, Daddy would never hurt Mommy and all kinds of things about having fun together.  So two days later we go to the store and the stinking friendly cashier starts chatting up Ryan while I'm distracted with items in the cart.  Sure enough I hear this sweet little voice:  "My Daddy hit Mommy with a hammer when she was just working hard trying to make the house all better!!!  Well we don't talk about that now.  We don't need to tell that story to people."  Grrrrrreat.  Looks even worse now.  Ryan's story plus my limping = awkward times.  I love the talkative stage.


Following The Fosters said...

so horrible but so funny! oh the joys of talking toddlers!

The Sneaky Mommy said...

Hahaha! Too funny, Mr. Ryan!

une autre mère said...

Oh my! That one got me laughing for sure! I'll be sure to share this one with Chad later. And I'll pray that Troy will stop being so abusive. Just remember, we have a guest bedroom if you need a place to stay...

P.S. - LOVED your poem on my blog! That gave us both a good laugh. You're so talented.